Eileen Slifer, Artist - Visual Design Arts - East Berlin, PA

Please Visit My New Website Visual Design Arts
For Complete Portfolio and Offerings

 Matted Prints and Notecards For Sale About the Artist Custom Order Link Contact

These five quick-links are provided to my five most popular gifts for couples that I have done over the years:

"A Cord of Three Strands" Personalized Wedding/Anniversary Gift

"These Hands Wedding Poem" Personalized Wedding/Anniversary Gift

"Grow Old Along With Me" Personalized Wedding/Anniversary Gift

"I Corinthians 13" Personalized Wedding/Anniversary Gift

"Two Trees With Roots Joined" Personalized Wedding/Anniversary Gift

Commissioned Fine Art, Illustration and Live Art Event Services

From my studio in East Berlin, Pennsylvania,
I create and offer a wide range of artistic products and services. 
I work in watercolor, acrylic, pencil and pastel. 

Below are links to my new website based on category.

Thank you for your interest in my work.

Personalized Wedding/Anniversary Gift Products
I Am My Beloved's
Flower Preservation:  Weddings, Funeral and Home Decor
Hand and Computerized Custom Calligraphy Work
Site and Images Copyright © 1989-2025, Visual Design Arts, Eileen Slifer, Artist

Email:   eileenslifer@lettersource.com                   (717) 467-5913 Studio                        (302) 463-5459  cell - call or text
6687 Davidsburg Road, East Berlin, PA  17316

Serving customers in Pennsylvania and Nationwide