Eileen Slifer, Artist - Visual Design Arts - East Berlin, PA

Please Visit My New Website Visual Design Arts
For Complete Portfolio and Offerings

 Matted Prints and Notecards For Sale About the Artist Custom Order Link Contact

Matted Prints and Notecards For Sale

Over the years I have slowly created a large collection of over 1400+ artwork and calligraphy prints/ notecards. 

Among my works are watercolor florals, whimsical pieces, landscapes, calligraphy quotes and more! 

The simplest way to browse all that I have available and to order is to begin by the categories below and follow the links to specific items. You can also enter possible search keywords in the tool below if you are looking for something in particular.

If you have any questions or difficulty finding a piece or are interested in commissioned calligraphy quotations, floral, landscape or other paintings please Contact Me.



Biblical Quotations Poetry Quotations
Inspirational Quotations Humorous Quotations
Classic Hymns Song Lyric/Pop Culture Quotations
Friendship Quotations Historical/Classical Quotations
Romantic Quotations Wedding and Anniversary Quotations
Graduation Quotations Teacher's Gift Quotations
Birthday Quotations Valentine's Day Quotations
Mother's Day Quotations Father's Day Quotations
Baptism Quotations Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah Quotations
Grandparents Day Quotations Baby Gift and Children's Artwork/Quotations
Personalized Stationary/Cards Photography Prints
Floral Artwork Landscape/Nature/Nautical Artwork
Whimsical Artwork Abstract Artwork
Office Print Set Groupings Card Set Collections

Site and Images Copyright © 1989-2025, Visual Design Arts, Eileen Slifer, Artist

Email:   eileenslifer@lettersource.com                   (717) 467-5913 Studio                        (302) 463-5459  cell - call or text
6687 Davidsburg Road, East Berlin, PA  17316

Serving customers in Pennsylvania and Nationwide